The best frame in the world
The best frame in the world...
... maybe she's actually in my house?!
In any case, it is the best made and best looking frame. The latter is of course in the eye of the beholder.
But first things first:
I spent a long time looking for a record player to replace my Rega P9. The new player had to meet one or the other criteria. It shouldn't be too big, should be visually appealing and sound great. The latter then brought me to the Technics SP 10-R. Fortunately, it's possible to buy just the drive that leaves room for creativity.
That's where Mr. Schlipper comes in. He said: “I'll build you the best frame in the world.” Because in addition to the famous, beautiful and perfectly finished Shambala TSS Also two Composant S as well as bases (Subbase echo LS) had purchased my Avantgarde Acoustic loudspeakers from Mr. Schlipper (yes, every single product led to significant sound improvements), I was sure I had made the right decision when I said: “Do that! ”
I had Mr. Frank Schröder build a suitable tonearm for me in Berlin.
After about four months, I should actually be able to listen to records... it was then significantly more months that moved into the country, but this was completely okay given the final result.
During the entire development and production period, Mr. Schlipper always kept me up to date, sent me photos of the respective stage of development and discussed one or the other with me: “Hood? “Definitely! ...” with hinges? “Don't I need... “with handles? “Yes,... “which engraving on the inlay? “I'll send it to them.
Then the big day came in August, Mr. Schlipper came to me with a full trunk and assembled everything on site, the tonearm was perfectly assembled by an expert, and then the first notes... Better than before, but everything hasn't been played in yet. Everything has now been recorded and that brings me to the message of the headline. I boldly assume that there is nothing more to get out of the drive than with Mr. Schlipper's frame. I listen to every record anew, get goosebumps in places and wonder what's on the records. It just sounds sensational!
For me, Mr. Schlipper achieved his goal and made the SP 10-R one of the best turntables on the market. The prettiest one with the best workmanship anyway.
I would like to thank Mr. Schlipper for his patience with me and for the sensational masterpiece.
To readers: Trust him, he'll do it already. Have something nice built for you too.
HK from O.