Vividus zwo - News
There is now a product upgrade in our portfolio. The Vividus disappears and comes the Vividus two.”The king is dead, long live the king!”
This development has come about for two reasons. On the one hand, many interested parties and customers wanted a product that directly involved several devices or bases can be connected. On the other hand, we have clearly realized in the last year that our Subbase écho technology can be expanded and used for further capabilities. This is how a completely new concept was created that the Vividus two. With this technology, we have realized that disturbances in the potential flows of the connected audio devices naturally - via resonance tuning - causative can be removed from the signal. The effect on the naturalness of the music is enormous. To a Vividus two Can electronic devices or our device bases be connected.There will be another publication shortly, namely our new Vividus-Ultimum connection cables. Please contact us personally for prices.