Vividus two | Fidelity Magazine 77
We are very pleased to announce the third release of our Vividus two earthing replacement system. Hans von Draminski has been able to gain a few weeks of experience and describes very precisely what you can expect with Vividus Zwo. Vividus Zwo is not for people who are looking for quick effects that can be bought quickly in the high-end sector. With this system, you remove the cause of potential current effects on the signal. In audio systems where even more serious errors have their influence, a Vividus two is certainly not the first step. Vividus Zwo is not the tool with which you can solve all the problems of a system, which is not our aim at all and is also realistically impossible. The sound signature of the system disappears by another component and music sounds more correct, the sound of the music is more correct. That is exactly what Hans von Draminski describes very well and we thank you for that.
Enjoy reading the article, which you can find on our Vividus two product page.