S.I.N. Audio Deep Black Edition
Dear people,
As with many products that Thomas Schlipper offers, the S.I.N. power strip has a noticeably positive effect and definitely has component status. In particular, the audibility combined with an enormous increase in fine dynamics is noticeable when using the S.I.N. compared to other (already high-quality) power strips. The music playback appears more “analog” and therefore more authentic. You're surprised at new details that you haven't heard before (like this). That makes me happy!
Only two things remain “negative”: First, the groin needs two or three weeks to play. You have to get through it. And secondly, I have such power strips behind the rack due to lack of space. But because of its very attractive look and workmanship, it is actually far too bad for that... By the way, the price of the strip is also put into perspective when you put it in relation to what you can spend on high-quality electronics and cables.
Conclusion: At the beginning of all listening is electricity and thus also the (unavoidable) distribution of electricity. The S.I.N. is the best power strip I know here, despite or probably because of its passive concept. Finally, an upgrade tip: If you place the bar on an appropriate sub-base, the sound - especially in the bass range - becomes even more focused and dry. Try it out!
A very happy customer!