If you don't know anything, you have to believe...
I received the MMGA grounding plug just before Christmas when temperatures were below zero. After a warm-up phase of several hours at room temperature, I plugged the MMGA into a free wall outlet near the system without a grounding cable, where the GroundBox should also be plugged in later. And although this circuit is not that of the system, I was able to notice small/subtle changes in sound. However, only detectable when listening very carefully. Not yet sure whether this is really a sound improvement or just a sound change, I simply left the MMGA alone on this day and let it “play in or format” it. The next day I happened to read Mr. Schlipper's “little tip” on the homepage that simply plugging the MMGA into the system's “distribution strip” should have a clearly audible effect. Due to my current electricity connection situation, I honestly couldn't imagine that.
To make my skepticism about this more understandable, here is my current power connection topology:
My system has a completely separate circuit with a 2.5 mm² cable cross section directly from the fuse box, which opens into a 3-way HMS wall socket. The amplifier and CD player are connected there. The 3rd wall socket is connected to a SilentWire AC44ag power cable on a SilentWire Reference 6-way strip, to which the entire upcoming analog section is to be connected later. The SilentWire reference bar is on Carda's Myrthe wooden bench right in the Shambala rack on the lowest level. Currently, only one Schumann generator from Audiophil is connected to this distribution strip. Nothing more! So not a single device actively playing in the chain! What sound is a grounding plug, especially without a grounding cable, supposed to do?
But I was curious and simply plugged the MMGA (again without a grounding cable) directly into the nearest free power outlet on the distribution strip. What happened afterwards amazed me, to put it mildly! Or to put it more aptly... amazed at first and then, with ever longer playing time, let them sit in front of the system grinning. At the very beginning, I was still thinking in disbelief of a kind of “acoustic mirage” or a particularly good “form of the day” to listen to. But in the following days, even until the end of the first week and beyond (!) The positive sound impressions (described below) have continued to develop and solidify. The most noticeable thing at first was a significantly wider and deeper sound stage. Visually speaking, it was as if the “curtain” on the sides of the loudspeakers opened a good meter further and the actors were playing music on stage in brighter spotlights. The sound room was presented much more clearly and three-dimensionally. Every type of music increased significantly in dynamic range; in particular, fine-dynamic gradations at lower listening volume were presented much more clearly. The increase in voice/singing voice intelligibility is great! This point is particularly important for me, as I am more of a “quiet listener” and my favorite music is towards smaller formations with a lot of vocal content (vocal jazz, folk, songwriting, blues, American roots, country, world music, etc.). Rhythm, swing, drive, i.e. everything that has to do with speed, impulsivity and attack, also increased to an extent that I would not have expected. But the most important thing is that all these above-mentioned improvements were not limited to one or two isolated frequency ranges but were completely homogeneously distributed from the low frequency to the midrange to the high frequency range. As has often been experienced with other accessories or cables, there was no so-called “equalizer effect” during the improvements, i.e. according to the motto of improvements in the bass range, but unchanged mids and even poorer treble resolution and the like! During the test phase, I was also able to listen to CDs with much more fun and enjoyment, which I rarely listen to due to their mediocre to poor sound quality.
In summary, I have to say that I have achieved such an increase in transparency, clarity and audibility, especially in the fine/fine dynamic range (in all frequency ranges!) would not have thought possible just by using a grounding plug! It is obviously the case that backflowing RF interference via the power connections of our hi-fi devices to the home earth has a damaging effect on the sound. By the way:... the workmanship of Subbase products is - as usual - absolutely excellent! Just... handmade in Germany!
I can only warmly recommend this grounding plug to every serious and adventurous HIFI/high-end fan!!! In a German-language version of the”MAke-Mmusic-GReat-Again “I would say after my experience: à”Meight-Mmusic-Gmature+AUthentian”.
G.F. from Bavaria