Oracle Delphi on Composant S
Hello Mr. Schlipper,
After three days and a decent pile of records I would like to share with you my experiences with the Composant S Tell Delphi under my Oracle.
Overall, I was very satisfied with my system. However, it was also clear to me that improvements would be possible through appropriate tuning measures. As a result of my many years of work in electrophysiology, I was thoroughly familiar with the disturbances caused by electric fields, network hum and vibrations. With suitable cables, high-quality plugs, star-shaped grounding and, last but not least, vibration-isolated tables from Newport and shielding with Faraday cages, we were able to largely eliminate these faults. The results were immediately measurable. Against this background, an experiment with the Composant S seemed to me to make perfect sense.
What can I say, after just a few minutes, I was able to hear a clear improvement, not selectively, but in all areas. Enjoying music, not analyzing it, is more intense and relaxed with the Composant S. The price for this base will seem very high for many music listeners, it's definitely worth a try. The workmanship is at the highest level, the musical result has completely convinced me.
Kind regards, H. Sch.