

New to the Subbase portfolio are the sensational phiTon_resonaTors.

What A new information product? NO! The phiTon_resonaTors restore natural order and thus the timing in frequency transmission. Completely passive, no room correction systems are required anymore. Mechanics is mathematically based.
The developer Corrado Faccioni started development decades ago and well-known musicians all over the world swear by this technology. On our product page, you can see a few interesting pictures in the gallery.

From our own experience, we can say that the music is already available on the data carrier (CD or disk) with its correct timing. The audio system shifts and shifts the timing of the frequencies heard, which results in the sound of the system and not to an experience of the music.


The phiTon_resonaTors work just as effectively with loudspeakers and components as they are in the room. Quite right. The room loses disharmonies and reverberations and enables a veritable condensation of the notes belonging to the instruments. Many customers describe the same fact that music gets more atoms and thus enters ever closer into matter.

In addition to our own developments, this is really hot stuff! So hot that we have parts developed using this technology for our installation systems in order to increase efficiency for you.

click here to get to the product page.
